Happy New Year! Thanks for your support so far. I especially want to thank my paid subscribers: you make my writing on Substack possible. Substack is my main content hub because of its principled stance on supporting dissident writers, and my content will increasingly be available here only.
Remember that all subscribers get 1 month of paid access for FREE for 3 referrals, 3 months for 5 referrals and 6 months for 25 referrals. My work gets either banned or shadow-banned on mainstream social media, so when you share it you help me beat the algorithms and get my message to more people. And I want to show my gratitude for that.
Starting with the lecture I was fired for, here’s a selection of some of my work that you might have missed so far or might want to share with others:
I have big plans for 2024 and am looking forward to sharing more writing with you.
Speaking to a crowd of thousands from a platform in a meadow outside Clermont when he launched the First Crusade on November 27th in 1095, Pope Urban II said summed up the spirit everyone fighting for Christendom needs today:
‘Let the deeds of your ancestors move you and incite your minds to manly achievements; Oh, most valiant soldiers and descendants of invincible ancestors, be not degenerate, but recall the valour of your progenitors.’
This list is really convenient as a way of going back to old articles to reread in chronological order of when you posted them. I usually have to scroll all the way down but this does the work for me. Thank you and happy new year.
Thanks for all your hard work Will. God bless and Happy New Year.