Interesting, this idea about the pearl as John Steinbeck wrote "The Pearl"- and that story seems in essence this mysticism you describe that is in the Bible and Muslim faith. John Steinbeck's literary Canon was about the rustic "salt of the earth" working class types- their trials, tribulations, and many evils. Was he talking about the potential pearls of society? I feel there's an idea here. Also all of this you are discussing resonates with C.S. Lewis work "The Abolition of Man." It seems there was a lot of threads in this exploration then- T.S. Eliot's "The Wasteland," and the above mentioned works. It seems like the Victorian and Romanticism Eras were at a very sudden and intense clash with the new ideas of industrialism. And then around the time of the free love movement- the counter culture with Woodstock machines were beginning to be seen as wondrous and beneficent portals of opportunity and evolution. I think Star Wars may have helped really cement a love for the machine- after all it did mix a very potent cocktail of the wonders of technology, diluted spiritualism, and a very easy and non offensive "Hero's Journey" of Joseph Campbell, which later became a model to every hero story. I don't know- much of this is me speculating and I could be wrong.
Interesting, this idea about the pearl as John Steinbeck wrote "The Pearl"- and that story seems in essence this mysticism you describe that is in the Bible and Muslim faith. John Steinbeck's literary Canon was about the rustic "salt of the earth" working class types- their trials, tribulations, and many evils. Was he talking about the potential pearls of society? I feel there's an idea here. Also all of this you are discussing resonates with C.S. Lewis work "The Abolition of Man." It seems there was a lot of threads in this exploration then- T.S. Eliot's "The Wasteland," and the above mentioned works. It seems like the Victorian and Romanticism Eras were at a very sudden and intense clash with the new ideas of industrialism. And then around the time of the free love movement- the counter culture with Woodstock machines were beginning to be seen as wondrous and beneficent portals of opportunity and evolution. I think Star Wars may have helped really cement a love for the machine- after all it did mix a very potent cocktail of the wonders of technology, diluted spiritualism, and a very easy and non offensive "Hero's Journey" of Joseph Campbell, which later became a model to every hero story. I don't know- much of this is me speculating and I could be wrong.