I'm not so sure that prayer is what must be done retain the treasures of Westman.
This article outlines the wests uniquely Christian traits, such as the recognition of free will and good and evil. Is it possible that the Mass can survive past the recognition of free will?
Does Westman need to pray well or act well to preserve his treasure?
Yes. The Church built the west and sustains it, not the other way around. The spiritual is prior to and more foundational than all the earthly goods. As the Church goes, so goes the world.
'The question is what can be done–what can and what
must be done, because there isn’t any choice.
Whatever we do in the political and social order, the indispensable foundation
is prayer, the heart of which is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the perfect prayer
of Christ Himself, Priest and Victim, recreating in an unbloody manner the
bloody, selfsame Sacrifice of Calvary. What is Christian Culture? It is
essentially the Mass. That is not my or anyone’s opinion or theory or wish but
the central fact of two thousand years of history. Christendom, what secularists
call Western Civilization, is the Mass and the paraphernalia which protect and
facilitate it. All architecture, art, political and social forms, economics, the way
people live and feel and think, music, literature–all these things when they are
right, are ways of fostering and protecting the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. ' - John Senior, The Restoration of Christian Culture
I'm not so sure that prayer is what must be done retain the treasures of Westman.
This article outlines the wests uniquely Christian traits, such as the recognition of free will and good and evil. Is it possible that the Mass can survive past the recognition of free will?
Does Westman need to pray well or act well to preserve his treasure?
Yes. The Church built the west and sustains it, not the other way around. The spiritual is prior to and more foundational than all the earthly goods. As the Church goes, so goes the world.
Great work Will! Superb!!!