I had not heard the "immateriality of the intellect" argument explained before, and you explained it very well. Thanks.

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On the uncaused cause argument:

1. If the Universe created itself, then presumably it would have some sense of self. However, we have never observed any indication that the Universe is conscious of what it contains. The fabric of space and time appear inert and don't try to communicate with us. We do, however, have accounts in the Bible of God communicating with us. This suggests to me that it did not create itself and was thus created.

2. According to the Big Bang theory, the prevailing scientific account of creation, space and time were themselves created at the moment of the Big Bang. It wasn't an explosion into empty space. Therefore, either they created themselves (see #1) or some force outside of space and time created them. An omnipresent, eternal Being: God.

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