Just love G K Chesterton.

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Will, this is a note to you, on Power (P); Narrative (N); and Responsibility (R).

The discourse, for as long as I have been in it, has focused on P and N. R has been mentioned, a part of the discussion, but not held in vision.

P = N.

Such is the toxicity that we are willed, influenced, taught, to believe is the world.

This is false.

N = P & R.

Justice is not relative, except to reality.

N, P, and R, are elements of our conscious reality.

Justice can be calculated.

N changes over time.

N can be viewed as itself, or as P & R.

In writing this, I am realising that N = P & R might not be the best representation of truth that I can muster. After a little thought, I am sticking the course.

Stick with me.

Mind, Body, and Soul, are often thought of as the elements of a human. I would say they are for any entity.

Mind and Body are the physical and abstract components of an entity.

The Soul is that component that is shared, that is both the entity's and reality's.

The Soul is the collection of connections between the entity and reality.

There are many entities in reality to be connected to.

N is the Soul.

P is the Body.

R is the Mind.

In metaphor at least.

I will write here again in the future. Though perhaps I would be better crafting my own page with the whole theory-model on.

Humanity & Civilisation, our collective, represented as its own entity.

An ultimate purpose, as stewards of reality, infinite and eternal.

Individuals and Institutions. Offices and Office-holders.

A shared Narrative.

Our own Powers. Our own Responsibilities.

Many parts of our identity.

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