Great read indeed. This is a nice counterbalance to modernism that has infected the hierarchy of the Catholic Church which defines faith as internal experiences.
Modernists love to make everything subjective, doubtful, and changeable. They detest certainty because they are not interested in attaining truth, classically defined as the correspondence of the mind with reality.
Excellent article. The Last Superstion by Ed Feser completely destroyed any remaining respect I had for the new athiests' worldview. Speaking of conversion stories, is your full-length conversion story available online, Mr. Knowland?
Great read.
These two men are an unusual combination of high intelligence AND wisdom.
Great read indeed. This is a nice counterbalance to modernism that has infected the hierarchy of the Catholic Church which defines faith as internal experiences.
Modernists love to make everything subjective, doubtful, and changeable. They detest certainty because they are not interested in attaining truth, classically defined as the correspondence of the mind with reality.
Excellent article. The Last Superstion by Ed Feser completely destroyed any remaining respect I had for the new athiests' worldview. Speaking of conversion stories, is your full-length conversion story available online, Mr. Knowland?