Wonderful article. Thank you for sharing.

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Fascinating! Thank you for sharing your perspective. It is truly inspiring. I agree, the root of our alienation is spiritual. however, conflict arises with God the Father. I was raised Catholic and traumatized by the fear mongering of the Father God of the OT. As a result, I rebelled against religion, God and authority and I feel this is the plight of many. God has become a trigger due to it’s association with the tyrannical patriarch of Abrahamic religion. Man is made in the image of this God, however, this excludes women as we are written in as subservient to men and demonized as the cause of original sin. History is written by the victors and there is little evidence in the books about matricentric communities existing prior to the masculine take over. However, the oldest statue, Venus of Willendorf dates 25,000-30,000 years ago and suggests our ancestors worshipped the Great Mother Goddess. Father God worship and the repression/annihilation of Mother Goddess came to be with the rise of patriarchy. This ensured it’s control and lead to a society that celebrates the masculine mind(ego), rationale, logic and dominance over the feminine heart, intuition, nurture and forgiveness, considered weak and inferior. The push back to traditional patricentric religion to establish order is devolution. My passion is God and spirituality. I have studied religion philosophy, astrology and numerology. I have practicing meditation, fasting, breath work and prayer. I have experienced altered states of consciousness through experimentation with psychedelics. I have faced and healed childhood trauma and triggers through shadow work and diligent self evaluation. This has been a ten year journey that has lead me to believe God is both Mother and Father and exists within everything and everyone. I believe there is a great spiritual awakening happening now. The feminine aspect of God is being remembered, honored and joins her rightful place alongside God the Father. I believe in order for humanity to survive, we must reconnect to our Mother/Father God within, the Christ. We must use are God given free will and choose God’s will and surrender ego to it’s glory. If we aligne with Divine, we harmoniously operate as the One being we truly are. The ego believes it is separate and this has lead to our alienation and the destruction of life. “The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master”(Robin Sharma). It is time we reconnect with our hearts and tame the mind. The Great Goddess completes God the Father bringing wholeness (holiness) to our experience. A humanity made in the image of this God, will create a society that reveres life, harmony balance and beauty. I believe all is playing out according to God’s perfect plan and we are all responsible for the state we are in now. Forgiveness will be given for all that ask.

God bless.

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Thanks for the comment. It's certainly true we are responsible for the state we're in. The points you raise about the Mother Goddess are addressed in my video on 'The Matriarchy Mystery':


I will post the text here shortly as well. But the basic point is no evidence has ever been found of a matriarchal society. This isn't about what's written by the victors in history books. It's about what archaeologists have actually found.

Regarding religion, since Christian theology holds that God created the world ex nihilo rather than out of His own substance, Creation is totally different from gestation and birth. Masculine imagery conveys this better than feminine imagery does. Christianity also holds that God revealed Himself in the form of a man.

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Christianity holds that God revealed Itself in the form of man, Jesus the Christ, most likely because male was best suited to bring in the feminine qualities of God; love, compassion and forgiveness, in a world where those attributes were not valued. If God revealed Itself as woman, she wouldn’t have been taken seriously. Jesus embodied a perfect balance of the Mother/Father God in human form.

Hieros Gamos, sacred union. The Bible has been edited and rewritten by the victors to fit the narrative needed to control the masses. I take it with a grain of salt, allegory and manipulated truth.

Genesis 1:26: Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

We are made in God’s image, specifically “Our” image, suggesting I as a We.

I will rewatch ‘The Matriarchy Myth’.

As mentioned in my previous post, Venus of Willendorf is an archeological finding suggesting the existence of matrilineal societies and Goddess worship. I am sure there are more, much has been hidden from us.


I am not suggesting a return or change to a hierarchy where the woman holds more power. I seek balance, equality, and honoring of our opposing natures, yin and yang. When one achieves divine union within, sex becomes a sacred act, love making. It is a healing and creative force. Tantra is the practice of sacred intimacy. Sex as we know it is another miscreation to lead us away from our divine nature. It is more than reproduction and survival.

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Women were the first witnesses at the empty tomb, so Christianity wasn't averse to making its most important event - the Resurrection - dependent on people whose word counted for very little.

Lynn Meskell and Iad Hodder made discoveries refuted Gimbutus's ideas about the Venus figurines being evidence of a matriarchy. There were also figures of men and animals everywhere, and the female figurines were found inside, outside and even in refuse sites. All known societies have been patriarchies. Matrilineality is not matriarchy.

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Pardon, thanks for the correction. I meant to use matricentric, being centered upon the mother. Matrilineal is kinship through the mother line whereas matriarchy is a societal hierarchy where woman hold greater power. Matrilineal exists within a matriarchy. I prefer to use matricentric to steer away from community based on hierarchy. However, my original point was to shine light on God the Mother. The two shouldn’t have been paired since there is little evidence of past matriarchal societies, as you have made clear. There is an abundance of evidence of Goddess worship prior to Abraham and apparently throughout the Old Testament as archeologists discovered. Specifically a feminine consort to Yahweh. Interesting.


Perhaps, in It’s heyday, Goddess worship neglected the male aspect of God leading to the subjugation of men. Perhaps that fueled the masculine take over…to be sure, it was an event. Life swings like a pendulum and history repeats itself if we don’t learn from our mistakes. Goddess only worship leads to imbalance and rebellion and Father God only worship leads to imbalance and rebellion. We must bring them together by balancing the opposing energies existing within self. This can be done through intention and meditation as a starting point. We are each individuated aspects of the One, Mother/Father God expressing Itself in human form. The Christ exists within each of us. It is the remembrance of our true divine nature and oneness with all of creation. Religion preaches of the Second coming of Jesus. Christians are waiting for their Savior to take them to heaven. This is a balk of personal responsibility and encourages victimhood and disempowerment. Waiting for something outside of yourself to save you. “The Kingdom of Heaven is within” and can be created on Earth. That is the divine plan if men and women can take responsibility, honor our differences and love each other.

Thanks for the engagement. I’m doing my best to figure this out. A work in process.

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It's a fascinating topic - especially because many feminists argue Catholic devotion to the Blessed Virgin is excessive. This is a good overview of the research on matriarchies in prehistory:


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