I think it's a pertinent question, especially for a culture that is terminally ill, albeit one that is often discussed in bad faith (holocaust denial, etc) or with too much focus given to driving OUT valid questions about Jewish influence.

I can only give a cursory and shallow response at the moment as I'm recovering from Covid, on my phone, and in bed; but I can nonetheless attempt.

Like you Knowland, I'm Catholic, and keep the judgement of the Church (foremost), my use of reason, personal experience, and what I've read as markers to form an opinion.

I can add nothing to the Church's judgement that you haven't already in brief said. It should be noted though that the Church attempted to warm relations with the Jews by way of Nostra aetate. Personally I think the entire document is a bit of a bungle. It went back and forth through both theological and historical revisions. It came out as a bit of a wet rag, saying nothing of any real importance.

It's where history and one's use of (religiously guided) reason can things get interesting.

They are quite possibly the most fascinating people on the face of the planet. I say that by way of both flattery and consternation. There is no other people group (that I can think of) that have spanned the gamut of both incrediblly fruitful contribution to many facets of western culture whilst also doing incredible damage to its pedigree.

If you take any one area of our cultural moorings the Jews have undoubtedly given much irreplaceable value whilst also inculcating its destruction by way of the most cutting edge and insidious means. No other small people has produced both an Maimonides and a Marx, a St. Paul and a Spinoza, an Einstein or a Lawrence M. Krauss. Those names are only mentioned as an example of an almost endless list of juxtapositions. Pick your category of human endeavour, it's quite remarkable.

The question then is what to make of such a reality and furthermore what to do about it.

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Talmudic Judaism is a Gnostic heresy that denies the One True Faith.

In a modern secular era approaching Peak Gnosticism, it is unsurprising to see these "OG Gnostics" more or less "running the show."

But it's not so much a "Jewish problem" as it is a "Gnostic problem."

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Very interesting discussion which falls in line with Sir John Glubb's 250-Year Rule. All the symptoms and causes of decay are highlighted when looked thru a progressive lens. The quickened break down started after WWII as each of our institutions has been subverted. Academia, Journalism, Entertainment, Religion, Medical (Covid Pharma corruption), etc. have all been heavily influenced by our Jewish breatheren.

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Combining what Glubb and Bolton say, that is possible only because the West is now willing to sacrifice everything on the altar of the market.

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C.N. Parkinson had an interesting theory on this issue in his excellent book 'East and West'

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Just read a synopsis on that. I was totally unaware of that book. Will have to pick it up.

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I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did. I found it simultaneously informative, compelling and very entertaining.

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No you shouldn’t grant them freedom of worship, this wasn’t always the case historically you did it once and look what happened

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No he shouldn’t grant them freedom of worship, y’all did that once and look what happened

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I found your explanation of the Church’s tradition confusing. Would you mind explaining a bit? I take it you do not share EMJ’s preoccupation with the issue?

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Which bit was confusing?

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‘This is because the testimony to Christ of their rites and inspired Scriptures is all the more powerful coming from them because they do not believe in Him’. I don’t see how they give testimony to Christ if they do not worship him

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A Jew about talking about greedy Jews. ⬆️

I met some Jews recently.

Best time I’ve had in a long time.

Currently my favourite people.

Culture-wise, as I understand it, they have: powerful traditions; deep bonds with those in their life, family especially; and the benefit of these traditions holding through generations and between families of the Jewish population.

Genetically, I am sure they have the nature that fits their nurture.

I have heard that hitler was a certain kind of Jew.

One of the great old sect… I forget its name.

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This is false, Hitler wasn’t a Jew also yeah I’ve met nice Jewish people as well but that doesn’t mean their religion is any less evil or destructive

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Aren’t most modern “Jews” Khazars?

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No they’re ashkanazi

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I am currently reading the culture of critique recommended by you in your list. I will have to finish it before I join in any discussion :)) Thanks for your recommended reading list, there are quite a few that are on my to read list!

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