The thing that stands out to me, which is stating the obvious a bit, is the constant message of doing what's right and true no matter the consequences. Either alone, with friends or family, or in front of the masses, as a slave or a king, when loved or hated, with the world or against it. Always, always doing what's right.

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Yes. This is the message for men today. We must have men whose honour is not for sale.

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I have been reflecting on this. At first it's easy to think of the grandiose times of keeping your dignity and telling the Truth. Like when you lost your job for doing so. However, for me, it's easy to overlook how I sell my dignity and strength constantly for small pleasures or escapes throughout the day. Blinding myself with the thought that I will stand up for Truth when it 'really matters'. I will keep these stories of the patriarchs in my head to help bolster myself.

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“If you can’t walk away from the open legs of the wrong woman, you’re effeminate.”

Nailed it.

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Noah - the similarity with Christ and comparison of the ark to the church is powerful.

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