Your enemies don’t want you to believe this is possible, but it is.
From age 16-19: learn self-control and delayed gratification
- Earn $5-10k a year and save almost all of it
- Work in sales to develop confidence
- Lift weights 2+ times a week
- Don’t focus on girls much: focus on getting respect from other guys and then respect from girls will come anyway
- Have $20k saved by age 20 then INVEST this
From age 20-24: find a woman to marry by age 25
- $40k average wage
- $1556 average rent studio apartment — this is nearly 50% of your gross income so FAR too much: either split this with a bro or ideally live at home
- $300 groceries monthly
- Save and invest $4k per year MINIMUM (you should be able to do far more)
From age 25-34: getting married and growing your family
- $55k average wage
- Buy her a really nice engagement ring but don't spend much on your wedding
- $1809 average rent for 2-bed apartment — 40% of your gross salary isn't terrible but get it to 30% if possible
- $600 groceries for 2 (breastmilk is free)
- Keep the total annual cost of your car below 10% of your gross income (cars will keep you poor)
- Save and invest 10% of your income ($4-5k per year)
💰💰💰Due to compound interest, you should now have around 130k saved by age 35. So you have the money for a downpayment, but you might choose to continue renting and investing instead.💰💰💰
From age 35-44: continue growing your family
- $65k average wage
- $2214 average rent for 3 bed apartment (fine to have 2-3 kids per room)
- Remember: 40% of your gross income on housing is doable, but get it to 30% if you can
- $1200 groceries monthly
- Car payments stay at 10% of gross income max
3 key points:
1. A man without a plan is not a man
2. Wealth is what you DON’T spend
3. Feminism and materialism both have to die together
How does university factor into this - 40k while at uni is unrealistic for most.. or is that supposed to be starting salary post uni?