Are you sick of woke-washing in education? Free speech distinguishes education from indoctrination.

I taught at Eton College before I was fired because 'The Patriarchy Paradox' caused offence.

My degree is in English Language and Literature, but my interests are broad. In E. R. Curtius’s famous definition in 'European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages', literature is ‘the great intellectual and spiritual tradition of Western culture as given form in language’.

Solzhenitsyn knew that to 'destroy a people, you must first sever their roots'. Reconnect to your roots here to resist the attack and rebuild.

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I write about the best of the West on masculinity, morality and marriage to help traditional men lead their families with authority | 7 kids, 700lb deadlift | Fired for patriarchy lecture


Catholic father of 7 | Fired for patriarchy lecture