Libido Dominandi by E Michael Jones is perhaps the most important book about modern culture. It explores how the managerial State enslaves us through our sexual vices.
It's 600+ pages, difficult and dense. Here are the main messages.
Vice is a desire that takes control of a man’s life. Drinking is not PART of the life of a drunk. It is what a drunk’s life is “all about.” And he gets ANGRY if you take it away.
Sexual desire is always urgent, obsessive and prone to violence. Perverted sexual desire is even more so. The pervert thinks about sex *all the time.* Hence the traditional term sex MANIAC.
Sex can easily get out of hand. Traditional sexual morality knew this. That's why a degree of chastity was encouraged even in the marriage bed.
But sexual liberation denied that desire can get out of hand. It called slavery to sexual desire ‘natural’ and ‘uninhibited’. This led to men being governed by their desires.
Think of how a crack addict is a slave to his habit.
There are three ways to exert political control over a slave to sex:
1. Controlling the sex addict through blackmail and exposé.
Whereas a hypocrite pretends to hate his vice, a sinner hates his vice but can’t break it. Getting a man addicted to shameful vice, e.g., paedophile elites, means you can control him with shame.
2. Controlling the sex addict through threatening to “cut him off.”
"We are the defenders of kink," say the politicians. Without them, the “old morality” will return. This gives them a loyal base of deviants - the abortion army, for example.
3. Controlling the sex addict by consolidating the State.
Fornication means chaos. But for the modern managerial State chaos is an opportunity. It means consolidation of the State. The sex maniac needs managing, and the managerial state will do it. Hard and heavy.
Aquinas said that one of the effects of lust is ‘blindness of mind’. Pleasure in disordered sexual acts makes it harder to see they are disordered.
Sexual vice spawns stupidity.
Flouting the rules leads to not understanding why they ever existed.
Could you give practical tips for practicing chastity in marriage?