Married but can’t get laid?
Up to 50% of millennial marriages are now sexless.
You know you should be getting it multiple times per week.
Your wife should be looking at you with respect, adoration, and SEXUAL DESIRE.
You’re a successful Christian businessman.
But are you a successful husband?
God knows the truth.
Your wife knows the truth.
It’s time to step up and lead your family with authority.
This is your DUTY.
God wants you to be having sex with your wife.
Pleasurable sex.
2-3 times per week.
He joined you together to be fruitful, not frustrated.
But every week that you allow to go by without sex is another week of drifting away from your wife.
And away from God.
It ain’t easy… and I know… because it almost happened to me…
When I got fired for my lecture on patriarchy, I didn’t just lose my job.
I also lost my house.
I had a wife and 5 children who trusted me, and I almost made them homeless.
That amount of stress on a marriage usually means the end of sex and a permanent loss of trust.
What woman wants to procreate with a man who can’t protect and provide?
So ironically, I’d been fired for defending the traditional family, and now suddenly I had to hold mine together.
It wasn’t easy, but God used it to teach me some important lessons.
Facing these fires forged me into a better husband and father.
My wife ended up respecting me more than ever, our marriage grew stronger and we had two more kids.
Now I'm here to show you exactly what I learned so that no matter what happens you can ALWAYS command attraction and authority with your wife.
It boils down to equality.
It’s RUINED our relationships.
I know you’ve been told it’s good.
But it’s not.
Let me explain.
What I’m about to tell you will TRANSFORM how you see yourself as a man.
It will also transform how your wife, your children and even other men see you.
We’re a generation of men who’ve been told women want equality.
How many men were raised by a father who truly showed them what being the prophet, priest and king of his household looked like?
Like Fight Club said, we’re a generation of men who’ve been raised by women.
Modern men are the second woman in their marriages.
NOTHING turns women off more.
It’s effeminacy.
Hierarchy is hard work, but equality means a man can let his duties slide.
He can split the bill.
His wife can take some strain.
He can abdicate authority.
This started with Adam in the Garden of Eden when he failed to lead Eve.
It’s hardwired into our fallen nature.
But whereas men have always been told to fight against it in the past, our degenerate society encourages it.
It will cause chaos in your household.
Your wife will disrespect you.
Her desire for you will DIE.
And your children will disobey you.
But this isn’t nature’s way.
And thankfully it can be beaten.
We must return to natural law.
In all cultures throughout history, men have been expected to procreate, protect and provide.
But men today have been told to be sensitive – more like women.
And women have been told to be strong – more like men.
This unnatural fantasy of equality has caused an epidemic of sexless marriages.
And depression is now the world’s leading cause of disability.
Feminism has made men and women unhappier than ever.
We must return to our roots to resist and rebuild.
Traditional masculine initiation rituals didn’t focus on equality.
They didn’t BLUR the boundaries between men and women.
They DEFINED them.
To step into manhood, a boy had to break away from the world of his mother to become ready to lead a woman instead of follow one.
No wife wants to mother her husband.
He also had to confront all his own vices, especially effeminacy – the tendency to get sidetracked by pleasure or scared by pain.
A man can’t lead his wife and children if he’s in his own way.
There are three steps required to return to natural law:
1. The first is to restore POLARITY.
This is about the reality of sexual differences between men and women.
It’s what creates the attraction — like magnets.
Traditionally, achieving this polarity was a BIG part of the masculine initiations that every culture had.
It creates authority and attraction.
For as long as a man is unaware of the need for polarity, he remains a boy resented by his wife — if not openly, then definitely secretly.
He’ll chase equality and she’ll end up seeing him as the second woman, and the marriage will spiral into sexlessness.
Most men today who are suffering in sexless marriages have NO CLUE that it’s because they’re feminists without realising it.
It’s like the fish not seeing the water it’s swimming in.
And if they go to marriage counselling, sitting down for endless talking about their problems, they’re sucked STRAIGHT BACK into the same feminist frame causing the problems.
So instead of focusing on equality, by creating polarity we SMASH that frame and stop being the second woman in the marriage.
2. The second step is about POWER.
The whole point of polarity for magnetic attraction is that it sticks your wife to you.
But then you need to LEAD her.
Modern culture has caused marriage mayhem by not equipping men with the mindset or tools to do this.
You don’t fix a marriage by focusing on the wife.
That’s feminism.
You fix it by focusing on the husband because MEN lead.
So we have to fix the damage done by the feminist falsehoods that millions of men today breathed in like a poison gas while growing up.
We have to become FIT to lead.
This means a deep dive into the cardinal virtues and how they apply to the reality of a man’s responsibility and authority within marriage.
They’re called the cardinal virtues because cardo is Latin for HINGE.
Prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude.
These are what the success of your marriage HINGES on.
This is all about building strong, masculine virtue.
No husband should feel like a boy in a man’s role.
Remember: if a man is in his own way, how’s he supposed to lead his wife?
So together polarity and power — phases one and two of the training — build the foundation for a future of attraction and authority.
3. The third step is about PURPOSE.
After you’ve got your attraction and authority back, what’s it all FOR?
Here we focus on fatherhood as the key to manhood.
What else did you think sex was for?
That’s what marriage is ultimately about: children.
A father must do his duties so his family flourishes.
No wife wants to see her husband flounder and fail where it matters most.
That’s not sexy.
It’s weak.
So where are you leading your family and why?
How do you lead your wife?
Your sons?
Your daughters?
These all place different demands on a man.
Boys get blown around by the winds of their feelings and whatever is happening around them.
But MEN have a mission.
A husband isn’t a male mother.
Confronting that feminist lie is where you start thinking about what truly matters and why.
Ultimately, a man’s highest duty is to lead his family to heaven.
But our degenerate culture surrounds us with subtle pitfalls to sap our strength.
When everything around us is aimed at making men weak, we have to be vigilant.
The stakes couldn’t possibly be higher.
At the end of my Marriage Mastery coaching program, you will emerge as a stronger, more virtuous leader for your family.
Not only will you be more admired by those who matter most to you.
You will also command more respect at work and from your friends and you’ll be empowered to go after your goals with more energy and ultimately fulfil your mission.
There’s nothing quite like having a supportive family cheering you on, and coming home to a wife who adores you and nourishes your soul with affection and sweetness every single day.
And you can achieve all this without….
Chit chatting with marriage counsellors
Getting in touch with your “feminine side”
Or trying to be someone you’re not
Your whole family will feel the difference.
You'll be showing your sons what living as a masculine man looks like.
You’ll be PROOF that it’s possible.
You’ll set the standard for powerful masculinity and wisdom that your daughters will seek in their husbands.
And the sexual passion between you and your wife will stick you together like superglue for life, creating stability for your family.
Your new awareness of virtue and the strength that comes with it will also transform your business life.
People will respect you more.
And your mental and physical health will improve as your competence and confidence develop.
Most importantly, though, you’ll know what your mission is.
And without that, no amount of money matters.
A man remains husk of the hero he could be.
These tactics are time-tested and battle-proven, so why wouldn't they work for you?
The longer you wait, the more you risk drifting further apart from your wife and closer to a dead bedroom.
Your family can’t afford to miss out on the leader they deserve for another moment.
If you’re not happy with the direction you’re currently heading in, the next step is simple.
Click here to book a free 45-minute tactical breakdown call with me.
During our meeting, we'll delve deep into your case, focusing on your specific concerns.
We'll identify and address exactly what’s holding you back from the thriving marriage you deserve and clarify your ideal situation.
I'll walk you through how the coaching program works, and we’ll determine whether joining forces in this battle is right for both of us.
Ultimately, the call is centered around you to help you make an informed decision.
I limit the uptake to maintain a PERSONALISED service and a small, focussed community of men, so depending on when you're reading this, there might be immediate availability or you might need to join the next cohort.
We will determine that when we speak.
But what if it doesn’t work?
The only way my strategy doesn’t work is if you don't work.
But if you put the effort in, the results WILL come.
Your sex life will come alive once again, and you’ll have more authority around the home.
Based on the results of the men who’ve come through my program, I’m so confident that if you’re unsatisfied for any reason, you can have your money back – no questions asked.
The program includes lectures, targeted action assignments and live coaching calls.
But perhaps the most valuable part is membership in an EXCLUSIVE mastermind community of men with myself and others who are all traveling the same path and keeping each other accountable along the way.
This will be a very relaxed call, but if could be the most important call of your life.
It’s time to stop complaining and take action.
Boys bitch. Men build.
I like what you’re doing here Will, this is definitely needed! I make a point of asking the young men I meet, which of their parents is “the boss”. If they have both at home (which shouldn’t, but does surprise me) then more often than not they answer with their mother. I’m curious where your sex 2-3 times a week thing comes from though. Is this to do with keeping healthy sperm in your wife at all times or is there something in scripture I’m not aware of? Thanks