These books are all recommended by Fr. Joseph Welch. Many are available on
I’ve put some in bold that you might find especially helpful.
Introductions to Catholicism
A Compendium of Catechetical Instruction by Monsignor John Hagan, 4 volumes (approx. pp 500 each vol), 1928-32. o/p. An outstanding commentary on the Catechism of Pope St Pius X published in 1908. For the serious reader, lengthy and detailed yet accessible. (Vol. I The Creed; Vol. II The Sacraments; Vol. III The Commandments; Vol. IV On Prayer, Virtue & Vice, Index.)
Catechism for Children by Canon Quinet & Canon Boyer 2012/202, i/p. pp 373. Published by Angelus Press. A question-and-answer catechism for older children (or for younger children with adult guidance). Excellent.
Doctrina Christiana: The Timeless Catechism of St Robert Bellarmine. Translated by Ryan Grant. Introduction by Athanasius Schneider. Post Falls, Idaho: Mediatrix Press. 2016. pp243.
I Believe by J.P.M. van der Ploeg, OP, 1986. o/p. pp 282. A theological introduction to the dogmas and doctrines of the Catholic Church. Easy to read.
My Catholic Faith by Louis LaRavoire Morrow, 1949, revised in 1960. Republished by Sarto House in 2000. i/p. pp 429. A slightly old fashioned but nevertheless excellent catechism divided into 195 questions with answers further subdivided. Very accessible.
Our Birthright, 1929 (for primary school children), and Our Inheritance 1927 (for secondary pupils), by Mary Eaton. Very good introductions to the Faith designed to nurture not just learning but a love of the Faith. Both o/p, and both now feel dated in their tone and language, but still worth having on your bookshelves. Nowadays, more suited to children older than the original target readership.
Our Faith by John C. Heenan (former Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster), 1956. o/p. pp 277. The author adopts a conversational tone in this excellent summary of our Catholic Faith.
Roman Catholicism by Sebastian Bullough. Pelican Books, 1963. o/p. pp 330. A chatty and readable introduction to the Faith, aimed at the reader who wants to know about the Church as an institution as well as what She teaches.
The Catechism Simply Explained by Canon Cafferata, 1897, new edition 1954. o/p. pp 174. Newly reprinted and available from Cenacle Books. The simplest and best short commentary on The Catechism of Christian Doctrine (the old Penny Catechism) with short paragraphs to explain the answer to each question. A must!
The Faith Explained by Leo Trese, 1959, pp 564, reprinted by Scepter Publishers, 2011, pp 479. i/p. A really readable encyclopedia of the Catholic Faith.
The Faith of Millions: The Credentials of the Catholic Religion by John A. O’Brien, 1952. Reprinted by Our Sunday Visitor, 2005. i/p. pp 438. A thorough but gentle commentary on the Catholic Faith written as if a kindly uncle were speaking to the reader.
The Student’s Catholic Doctrine by Charles Hart, 1916. o/p. pp 382. An outstanding summary of Catholic doctrine. The single best small book on the Catholic Faith.
This is the Faith by Francis J. Ripley, 1951. Reprinted by Tan Books in 1999. i/p. pp 414. A solid and popular explanation of the Catholic Faith.
We Believe by Monsignor A.N. Gilby, 1982. Reprinted by Tan Books, 2013. i/p. pp 358. An excellent commentary on what Catholics believe based on the 300 questions in The Catechism of Christian Doctrine (the old Penny Catechism).
What Catholics Believe by Josef Pieper, 1951. New edition edited by Heinz Raskop, Cluny Media, 2019. i/p. pp 131. An excellent little summary of the Catholic Faith, easy to read and understand.
Weightier theological reading
Anything by St. Thomas Aquinas, especially the Summa Theologica and the Summa Contra Gentiles, but perhaps the most useful for basic catechetical purposes are the Compendium of Theology (trans. Vollert, pub. Herder) and The Catechetical Instructions of St Thomas Aquinas (trans. Collins, pub. Herder). Two handy introductory volumes are An Aquinas Reader edited by Mary T. Clark and The Pocket Aquinas edited by Vernon Bourke. St Thomas also wrote commentaries on Scripture, and compiled a four-volume book called the Catena Aurea, which is a selection of commentaries from the Fathers of the Church on the four Gospels.
The Sources of Catholic Dogma by Denzinger. The definitive reference book of official dogmatic pronouncements of the Catholic Church. Often known simply as ‘Denzinger,’ it should be on the shelves of anyone seriously interested in what the Catholic Church actually teaches. Various editions, some still i/p.
Catechism of the Council of Trent. Also known simply as The Roman Catechism. Various editions, some still i/p.
Tradition and the Church by George Agius. Originally published by The Stratford Company, Boston, in 1928. o/p. Re-published by Tan Books in 2005. (327pp). i/p. Without a doubt, the single best volume on the nature of Tradition.
Christian Denominations by Konrad Algermissen. Translated by Joseph W. Grundner. Published by Herder, St Louis & London, in 1945 (1051pp). o/p. An outstanding but lengthy and detailed look at the Catholic Church’s own doctrine about Herself followed by a survey of what other denominations teach about themselves.
Eucharistic Sacrifice and the Reformation by Francis Clark. Published by Blackwell in 1967 and Augustine Publishing in 1980. (582pp). o/p. An outstanding summary of Catholic and Protestant Eucharistic theology including what the Protestant Reformers rejected and why.
Laying the Foundation: A Handbook of Catholic Apologetics and Fundamental Theology by Joseph Clifford Fenton. Steubenville, Ohio: Emmaus Road Publishing. 2016. pp501. i/p.
Fr Réginald Marie Garrigou-Lagrange (1877-1964) was a French Dominican theologian and arguably the greatest theologian of the twentieth century. He recognized the errors of, and the threat from, many other theologians of his day and was responsible for coining the phrase novelle theologie which, although originally used derogatively, came to be the name by which, collectively, the writings of theologians such as Congar, Chenu, de Lubac, and others, came to be known. He was a prolific writer, and many of his writings, although not all, have been translated into English. The following titles were all published by Herder in the 1930s – 1960s in hardback although many of these titles have since been republished in paperback by Tan Books:
Reality: A Synthesis of Thomistic Thought
The One God: A Commentary on the First Part of St Thomas’ Theological Summa
The Trinity & God the Creator: A Commentary on St Thomas’ Theological
Summa, Ia, q. 27-119
Beatitude: A Commentary on St Thomas’ Theological Summa, Ia, IIæ, qq. 1-54
Grace: Commentary on the Summa Theologica of St Thomas, Ia, IIæ, q. 109-14
The Theological Virtues: Vol. 1 – Faith: A Commentary on St Thomas’
Theological Summa Ia, IIæ, qq. 62, 65, 68: IIa, IIæ, qq. 1-16. [N.B. Other
volumes did not follow].
Christ the Savior [sic]: A Commentary on the Third Part of St Thomas’ Theological Summa
Life Everlasting
Our Savior [sic] and His Love for Us
God: His Existence and His Nature – A Thomistic Solution of Certain Agnostic Antinomies (2 vols)
Christian Perfection and Contemplation: According to St Thomas Aquinas and St John of the Cross
The Love of God and the Cross of Jesus (2 vols)
The Three Ages of the Interior Life: Prelude of Eternal Life (2 vols)
The Mother of the Saviour and Our Interior Life
The Priest in Union with Christ (published by The Mercier Press in 1951)
The Last Writings (published by New City Press in 1969)
On Divine Revelation (2 vols). Emmaus Academic. i/p.
The Sense of Mystery: Clarity and Obscurity in the Intellectual Life. Emmaus Academic. i/p.
The Order of Things: The Realism of the Principle of Finality. Emmaus Academic. i/p.
Thomistic Common Sense: The Philosophy of Being and the Development of Doctrine. Emmaus Academic. i/p.
Knowing the Love of God: Lessons from a Spiritual Master. Saint Joseph Communications. i/p.
The Canon of the Mass: Its History, Theology, and Art by Jerome Gassner. Published by Herder, St Louis & London, in 1949. (404pp). o/p. One of the best single in-depth studies of the Canon of the Mass.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by Nicholas Gihr. Translated from the German. Published by Herder, St Louis & London, in 1942. (778pp). o/p. The best single in-depth study of the theology of the Mass. A heavy read.
The Sacramentals of the Holy Catholic Church by A.A. Lambing. Published by Benziger Brothers, New York, in 1892. (356pp). o/p. A useful study of what a sacramental is as well as a look at several examples.
Fr Serafino Lanzetta (1977-) is one of the remarkably few contemporary theologians to whom we can turn with confidence. A Marian Franciscan based in Portsmouth, UK, he is a lecturer at St Mary’s College in Twickenham and at the Theological Faculty of Lugano. He has published several books including:
God’s Abode with Man: The Mystery of Divine Grace. Os Justi Press, 2023. pp137. i/p.
Super Hanc Petram: The Pope and the Church at a Dramatic Moment in History. Os Justi Press, 2023. pp224. i/p.
The Door of Faith: When Reason and Love Meet. Arouca Press, 2022. pp274. i/p.
The Symphony of Truth: Theological Essay. Arouca Press, 2021. pp150. i/p.
Vatican II: A Pastoral Council, Hermeneutics of Council Teaching. Gracewing, 2016. pp494. i/p.
The Communion of the Saints by Charles McGinnis. Published by Herder, St Louis & London, in 1912. (309pp). o/p. An excellent summary of the doctrine of the Communion of the Saints.
The Whole Christ by E. Mersch. Translated by John R. Kelly. Published by Dennis Dobson, London, in 1938 (623pp). o/p. Subtitled, The Historical Development of the Doctrine of the Mystical Body in Scripture and Tradition, this volume is broken down into three sections: the doctrine (i) in Sacred Scripture, (ii) in the Greek Fathers, and (iii) in Western Tradition down to the encyclical Miserentissimus Redemptor (1928) of Pope Pius XI.
The Theology of the Mystical Body by E. Mersch. Translated by Cyril Vollert. Published by Herder, St Louis & London, in 1952 (663pp). o/p. The author states that this ‘is the sequel of a previous work [The Whole Christ], which is a sort of preface to the present volume.’ Whereas The Whole Christ looks at the development of the doctrine, this volume looks at the doctrine itself.
Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Ludwig Ott. Translated by Patrick Lynch. Published by the Mercier Press, Cork, in 1955. o/p. Re-published by Baronius Press in 2018. i/p. Simply cannot be beaten as a summary of Catholic dogma.
Manual of the History of Dogmas by Bernard J. Otten. Vol 1 (1917, 523pp): The Development of Dogmas During the Patristic Age, AD 100 – AD 869. Vol 2 (1918, 551pp): The Development of Dogmas During the Middle Ages and After, AD 869 – 1907. Published by Herder, St Louis & London. o/p.
Theology of the Sacraments by P. Pourrat. Translated from the French. Published by Herder, St Louis & London, in 1930. (417pp). o/p. A study of the nature of the sacraments rather than a look at the individual sacraments.
Dogmatic Theology by Joseph Pohle and Arthur Preuss (sometimes known simply as Pohle-Preuss). 12 vols. Published by Herder, St Louis and London. o/p. Vols: 1. God, His Knowability, Essence, and Attributes; 2. The Divine Trinity; 3. God The Author of Nature and the Supernatural; 4. Christology; 5. Soteriology; 6. Mariology; 7. Grace Actual and Habitual; 8. The Sacraments (I); 9. The Sacraments (II); 10. The Sacraments (III); 11. The Sacraments (IV); 12. Eschatology. Now re-published in a six-volume set by Loreto Publications in 2014. i/p.
Dogmatic Theology for the Laity by Matthias Premm. Translated by David Heimann. Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books. 1977. pp456. o/p.
Fr Matthias Scheeben (1835-1888) was arguably the greatest theologian of the nineteenth century. He was also a mystic whose mind revelled in speculating on divine grace and the all-pervading presence of God. In his own words, the aim of his theology was ‘to make the Christian feel happy about his faith because the beauty and eminence of our faith consist in this: that through the mysteries of grace it raises our nature to an immeasurably high plane and presents to us an inexpressibly intimate union with God.’
Handbook of Catholic Dogmatics by Matthias Scheeben. 8 vols. Originally published 1873-1887. Now translated into English for the first time by Michael J. Miller and published by Emmaus Academic. i/p. Expensive and weighty but one of the most complete books of Catholic theology there is. Vols: 1.1 Theological Epistemology: The Objective Principles of Theological Knowledge; 1.2 Theological Epistemology; theological Knowledge Considered in Itself; 2. The Doctrine about God: Or Theology in the Narrower Sense; 3. God in His Fundamental Original Relation to the World; 4. Sin and the Kingdom of Sin as a Contradiction and a Combat against the Supernatural Order of the World; 5.1 Soteriology, The Person of Christ the Redeemer; 5.2 Soteriology, The Work of Christ and the Role of His Virgin Mother; 6. The Realization of the Salvation Merited by Christ in Individual Human Beings through the Justifying Grace of Christ.
Manual of Catholic Theology Based on Scheeben’s Dogmatik by Joseph Wilhelm & Thomas Scannell. 2 vols. A reduced version of Scheeben’s multi-volume work, first published in 1890. o/p. Various paperback editions by on-line print companies are now available.
Mariology. Translated by T.L.M.J. Geukers. Published by Herder, St Louis & London, 1946 (vol 1; 252pp) and 1947 (vol 2; 287pp). o/p. Published before the solemn dogmatic definition of the Assumption by Pope Pius XII in 1950, it nevertheless includes a look at the dogma. An outstanding summary of Marian theology.
Nature and Grace. Translated by Cyril Vollert, 1954. o/p pp 361. A heavy theological tome exploring the relationship and distinctions between nature and grace, between the natural and the supernatural orders. Perhaps the best volume on this topic.
The Glories of Divine Grace. Translated by Patrick Shaughnessy. Originally published by St Meinrad’s Abbey, Indiana. o/p. Re-published by Tan Books in 2000. (420pp). i/p.
The Mysteries of Christianity. Translated by Cyril Vollert, 1946. o/p. pp 834. A heavy theological volume for the serious reader, but a rewarding read. Probably the single best one-volume work of dogmatic theology.
The Church by A.D. Sertillanges. Translated by A.G. McDougall. Published by Burns, Oates & Washbourne Ltd, London, in 1922. (391pp). o/p. Covers: The Nature & Purpose of the Church; The General Characters of the Church; The Sacramental Life of the Church; The Church’s Attitude in Regard to This World; and The Organisation of the Church. A worthwhile read.
Mary’s Part in Our Redemption by George Smith. Published by Burns & Oats, London, in 1938 and 1954. (191pp). Outstanding summary of Marian theology. o/p.
The Teaching of the Catholic Church by George D. Smith. Originally published as 35 essays, bound into two volumes in 1947, into a single volume in 1951, and now reprinted (again in two volumes) by Arouca Press in 2021. An outstanding summary of Catholic doctrine, at once learned and easy to read. The single best read for a detailed and in-depth understanding of the Faith.
Doctrine and Devotion by A. Tanquerey (414pp). Translated by Louis A. Arand. Published by Desclée in 1933. An excellent handbook of the spiritual life based on sound doctrine.
Manual of Dogmatic Theology by A. Tanquerey (2 vols; approx. 450pp each vol). Translated by Msgr. J. Byrnes. Published by Desclée in 1959. A handbook of traditional Catholic theology and an excellent reference book.
Books on the Mass
A Forest of Symbols: The Traditional Mass and Its Meaning by Claude Barthe. Translated by David J. Critchley. Brooklyn, New York: Angelico Press. 2023. pp174.
On the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by St Robert Bellarmine. Translated by Ryan Grant. Post Falls, Idaho: Mediatrix Press. 2020. pp308.
The Incredible Catholic Mass by Martin von Cochem. First English edition published by Benzinger Brothers in 1896 under the title, Cochem’s Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Now available from Tan Books. 2012. pp425.
The Mass and the Saints. Thomas Crean. Oxford: Family Publications. 2008. pp208.
The Church’s Year by Leonard Goffine. Translated by Gerad M. Pilz in 1880. Reissued: St Mary’s Kansas: Angelus Press. 2020. pp791.
Sacred Signs by Romano Guardini. First published in 1911. First published in English with a translation by Grace Branham in 1956 by Pio Decimo Press. A modern re-print is now available printed by Amazon Press.
Nothing Superfluous: An Explanation of the Symbolism of the Rite of St Gregory the Great by James W. Jackson. Lincoln, Nebraska: Redbrush. 2016. pp357.
The Epistle to the Hebrews and the Seven Core Beliefs of Catholics by Shane Kapler. Brooklyn, New York: Angelico Press. 2016. pp154.
Reclaiming our Roman Catholic Birthright: The Genius & Timelessness of the Traditional Latin Mass by Peter Kwasniewski. Brooklyn, New York: Angelico Press. 2020. pp369.
The Hidden Treasure: Holy Mass by St Leonard of Port Maurice (1676-1751). Reprinted in 2012. Charlotte, North Carolina: Tan Books. pp110.
Words of Life: On the Margin of the Missal by Dom Columba Marmion. London: Sands & Co. 1960. pp480. Extracts from the writings of Dom Columba Marmion for Sundays and feast days of the year.
The Mind of the Missal by C.C. Martindale. London: Sheed & Ward. 1929. pp276.
The Liturgy of the Church According to the Roman Rite by Virgil Michel. Originally published in 1937. Reprinted – Waterloo, Ontario: Arouca Press. 2022. pp369.
Great Catholic Festivals by James L. Monks. London & New York: Abelard-Schuman. 1958. pp110.
Restoring Lost Customs of Christendom by Matthew R. Please. Our Lady of Victory Press. 2023. pp265.
Living the Christian Seasons by Charles K. Riepe. New York: Herder & Herder. 1964. pp96.
The Mass in Meditation by Theodor Schnitzler. Translated by Rudolph Kraus. St Louis and London: Herder Book Co. 1959. 2 vols. pp247 & 317 respectively.
In Praise of the Tridentine Mass and of Latin, Language of the Church by Roberto Spataro. Translated by Zachary Thomas. Brooklyn, New York: Angelico Press. 2019. pp123.
With Christ Through the Year: The Liturgical Year in Word and Symbols by Bernard Strasser. Originally published in 1947 by The Bruce Publishing Company. Reprinted: Waterloo, Ontario: Arouca Press (no date). pp338.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: Ladder of Sanctity by Eugène Vandeur. Translated by Clara Rumball. Originally published in French in 1930. Re-published by The Cenacle Press at Silverstream Priory, 2023. pp199. i/p.
His Own Received Him Not: English Martyrs of the Holy Mass by J.K. Wittbridt. St Mary’s Kansas: Angelus Press. 2022. pp255.
The Mass and Redemption by M.C. D’Arcy. London: Burns, Oates, & Washbourne. 1926. pp138
The Traditional Mass: History, Form, & Theology of the Classical Roman Rite by Michael Fiedrowicz. Translated by Rose Pfeifer. Brooklyn, New York: Angelico Press: 2020. pp331.
Sacrifice of the Eucharist and Other Doctrines of the Catholic Church by Charles Garside. London: Burns & Oates. 1875. pp373.
The Canon of the Mass: Its History, Theology, and Art by Jerome Gassner. St Louis and London: Herder Book Co. 1950. pp404.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Dogmatically, Liturgically and Artistically Explained by Nicholas Gihr. Translated from the German. St Louis & London: Herder Book Co. 1942. pp778.
The Mass: The Presence of the Sacrifice of the Cross by Charles Journet. Translated by Victor Szczurek. South Bend, Indiana: St Augustine’s Press. (No date.) pp271
The Mass of the Roman Rite: Its Origins and Developments by Joseph Jungmann. Translated by Francis Brunner; revised by Charles Riepe. London: Burns & Oates. 1959. pp564. First English edition published by Benzinger Brothers in 2 vols. in 1955.
Noble Beauty, Transcendent Holiness: Why the Modern Age Needs the Mass of Ages by Peter Kwasniewski. Brooklyn, New York: Angelico Press. 2017. pp316.
The Once and Future Roman Rite: Returning to the Traditional Latin Liturgy after Seventy Years of Exile by Peter Kwasniewski. Gastonia, North Carolina: Tan Books. 2022. pp435.
The Organic Development of the Liturgy by Alcuin Reid. San Francisco: Ignatius Press. 2005. pp374.
The Catholic Mass: Steps to Restore the Centrality of God in the Liturgy by Athanasius Schneider. Translated by Diane Montagna. Manchester, New Hampshire: Sophia Institute Press. 2021. pp300.
The Mass: A Liturgical Commentary by A. Croegaert. Translated by J. Holland Smith. London: Burns & Oates. 2 vols: I – The Mass of Catechumens. 1958. pp251; II – The Mass of the Faithful. 1959. pp311.
The Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy by Adrian Fortescue. London: Longmans, Green & Co. 1912. pp432.
The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described by Adrian Fortescue & J. O’Connell. London: Burns, Oates, & Washbourne. 1943. pp430. New edition with Alcuin Reid published in Farnborough: St Michael’s Abbey Press. 2003. pp493.
Teaching Truth by Signs and Ceremonies: The Church, its Rites and Services Explained for the People by James L. Meagher. New York: Russell Brothers. 1883. pp295.
The Celebration of Mass: A Study of the Rubrics of the Roman Missal by J. O’Connell. London: Burns, Oates, & Washbourne. 1942. 2 vols. pp283 & 244 respectively. Also published in a single volume with pp698.
Seasons of Grace: New Meditations for Sundays and Feast Days by Pius Parsch. Translated by H.E. Winstone. New York: Herder & Herder. 1963. pp369.
For teaching children
The Baltimore Catechism. Originally published as the standard catechism in the USA in 1865. Currently available in four volumes published by Tan Books.
A Short Catholic Catechism for Children by St Robert Bellarmine. Translated by Christian D. Washburn. Praxedes Press. 2023. i/p. pp64.
The Most Rev. Dr, James Butler’s Catechism by Rev. Dr James Butler. First published in 1775 and now back i/p from Loreto Publications. pp82. A series of single-sentence questions & answers broken down into thirty lessons. Excellent.
My Catholic Faith by Louis LaRavoire Morrow, 1949, revised in 1960. Republished by Sarto House in 2000. i/p. pp429. A slightly old fashioned but nevertheless excellent catechism divided into 195 questions with answers further subdivided. Very accessible.
Catechism for Children by Canon Quinet & Canon Boyer 2012/2021, i/p. pp373. Published by Angelus Press. A question-and-answer catechism for older children (or for younger children with adult guidance). Excellent.
Spiritual Reading
St Augustine of Hippo (354-430). One of the great Fathers and Doctors of the Church, his two most famous books are Confessions, which famously includes on its first page the words, ‘You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts shall not rest until they rest in Thee,’ and The City of God, a cornerstone of Western thought covering, amongst others, topics such as the suffering of the righteous, the existence of evil, the conflict between free will and divine omniscience, and the doctrine of original sin.
St Benedict (480-547) One of the most famous books of Christian spirituality, The Rule of St Benedict also sets down many ordinary day-to-day practices for life in an abbey under the rule of an abbot. There are countless commentaries on the Rule, and it paved the way for many thousands of books on Benedictine spirituality.
St Francis of Assisi (1181/2-1226), The Little Flowers of St Francis of Assisi. The title might sound a little quaint in the 21st century but in this beautiful work are contained, as a line on the opening page explains, ‘miracles and pious examples of the glorious servant of Christ, St Francis, and of some of his holy companions, to the glory and praise of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Anonymous (13th century). The Ancrene Riwle. Don’t be put off by the Old English title: there are readily available translations into modern English. A monastic rule or manual originally written for three sisters who were about to enter the life of anchoresses. A beautiful treatise on the interior life.
Richard Rolle (c.1300/30-1349). Rolle studied at Oxford but left without a degree to become a hermit because, he said, ‘Now-a-days too many are consumed with a desire for Knowledge rather than for love, yet all their study should have been directed to this end, so that they might be consumed by the love of God.’ His most well-known work is The Fire of Love, but several other works also survive.
Walter Hilton (c.1340/5-1396). The Scale of Perfection was, like other works, originally addressed to an anchoress although later sections appear to be addressed to a wider audience.
Julian of Norwich (1343-after 1416). Revelations of Divine Love. The most famous spiritual book from the 14th century. Julian of Norwich lived as an anchoress, and you can still visit her restored cell in Norwich today.
St Catherine of Siena OP (1347-1380), The Dialogue of Divine Providence. Dictated while St Catherine was in a spiritual ecstasy, the dialogue is between a soul who rises up to God and God Himself.
Margery Kempe (c1373-after 1438) The Book of Margery Kempe. Kempe was from King’s Lynn and is known to have visited Julian of Norwich for advice and spiritual direction. Her book is in part an autobiography, in part a journal of pilgrimages, and in part an account of her mystical conversations with God.
Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471). The Imitation of Christ is one of the most famous of all devotional books. It draws the reader into an interior imitation of Christ by focusing on a spiritual withdrawal from the world.
Anonymous (14th century). The Cloud of Unknowing is one of the most well known pieces of spiritual writing to come out of the 14th century. Written by an anonymous English mystic, it is a book of contemplation in which the soul is drawn into union with God.
Anonymous (14th century). The Book of the Poor in Spirit is another anonymously written book from the 14th century. The author is described simply as A Friend of God. Divided into four sections – On the Nature of Spiritual Poverty, God’s Work and Man’s Co-operation, How a Man Shall Attain to a Perfect Life, and How to Live a Contemplative Life – this small book seems to contain all that anyone would want to read on the spiritual life.
Anonymous (14th – 17th centuries). Ancient Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus were written by unknown Carthusian monks of the 14th to 17th centuries, and long before our modern devotion which was rekindled by St Margaret Mary Alacoque and St Claude de la Colombière in the seventeenth century.
St Ignatius Loyola SJ (1491-1556) The Spiritual Exercises, available in many different translations. Sound reading, but most fruitful if used as part of a proper and organized retreat run by a Jesuit.
Ludovicus Blosius OSB (1506-1566). Sometimes known as François-Louis de Blois, was the abbot of Liessies. His book, A Book of Spiritual Instruction rivalled à Kempis’ Imitation of Christ in popularity for a time.
St Theresa of Ávila OCD (1515-1582). The two most significant works are The Interior Castle and The Way of Perfection, but she also wrote a famous autobiography and some lesser known poems.
Lorenzo Scupoli CR (1530-1610). The Spiritual Combat. St Francis de Sales carried this little book, by a Theatine priest, with him for eighteen years! Looks at the spiritual life as a battle.
St John of the Cross O.Carm (1542-1591). Along with his Ascent of Mount Carmel, St John’s writings most famously include his poems, particularly the Spiritual Canticle and the Dark Night of the Soul.
St Robert Bellarmine SJ (1542-1621). The Art of Dying Well. St Robert helps us to see death through the same lens through which God’s sees it. So, instead of running away from death, we can learn how to live this life well and thus experience a form of spiritual liberation.
St Robert Southwell SJ (c.1561-1595) An Epistle of Comfort. Another local, born and raised in Norfolk, his Epistle was written to Philip Howard, the Earl of Arundel, as a work of consolation for those who were enduring persecution for the Faith during the Reformation. St Robert is one of the few martyrs on our list, as is St Philip Howard.
St Francis de Sales (1567-1622) One time member of the Oratory of St Philip Neri, and Bishop of Geneva, St Francis is a Doctor of the Church. Most famous for his Introduction to the Devout Life and his Treatise on the Love of God, his writings are aimed specifically at lay people and at helping ordinary people grow in sanctity. A good starting place may be the little book edited by Jean Pierre Camus called, The Spirit of St François de Sales.
Dom Augustine Baker OSB (1575-1641), Holy Wisdom or Directions for the Prayer of Contemplation was originally published in 1671 under the title Sancta Sophia by Fr Serenus Cressy after Baker had died. Dom Austin, as the author is sometimes known, was a convert to Catholicism during the tumultuous Reformation period before becoming a Benedictine monk.
St Claude de la Colombière SJ (1641-1682). Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence comes from the same school of thought as Jean-Pierre de Caussade’s book (see below), and in fact was written before it.
Jean-Pierre de Caussade SJ (1675-1751). Abandonment to Divine Providence. A spiritual study of how all things work towards the good because God’s providence is continually working to ensure that everything and everyone is ordered towards the end for which it or he was originally created. We must, therefore, rest in God’s grace. This is not an argument in favour of passivism or Quietism (the idea that we do not need to do anything because God will sort it out). On the contrary, we must be active in our surrender to God’s will just as the Blessed Virgin’s fiat (‘Let it be done unto me according to Thy will’) was an active surrender to God’s will. Mary was docile (allowing herself to be easily taught and led) not passive.
St Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (1673-1716). Most notable for his writings on the Blessed Virgin Mary, especially his Secret of the Rosary and his True Devotion to Mary.
St Alphonsus Liguori CSsR (1696-1787). The Way of St Alphonsus Liguori is a collection of his writings including his Meditations on the Incarnation, Meditations on the Blessed Sacrament, Novena to the Holy Spirit, The Glories of Mary, On the Love of God and the Means to Acquire It, and so on. He is considered the Father of modern moral theology and is a Doctor of the Church.
John Nicholas Grou, SJ (1731-1803). How to Pray. The book is made up from the chapters on prayer from Grou’s longer work, School of Jesus Christ. An excellent series of meditations on what prayer is, and on how to pray. See also Grou’s Manual for Interior Souls.
Jean Baptiste Chautard OCSO (1858-1935). The Soul of the Apostolate. Written by a Trappist monk, this little book shows how activism won’t accomplish much on its own. If we wish to work for God and His Kingdom we must first establish a healthy and strong interior spiritual life.
St John Henry Newman Cong. Orat. (1801-1890). St John Henry’s Meditations and Devotions are a good place to start, but almost everything he wrote would be good spiritual reading. Try his Apologia pro Vita Sua, a sort of spiritual autobiography which traces his religious thoughts and beliefs or his Parochial and Plain Sermons. Or, as another possible starting point, try The Heart of Newman, a series of excerpts from his writings put together and edited by Erich Przywara SJ.
Dom François de Sales Pollien O.Cist. (1853-1936), The Interior Life. Originally published as having been written anonymously, The Interior Life was in fact the work of Dom François de Sales Pollien, a Carthusian monk of La Grande Chartreuse. The book, edited by Fr Joseph Tissot and first published in 1894, soon became a classic and contributed significantly to the renewal of ascetical and mystical doctrine in the first quarter of the 20th century drawing heavily, as it does, on the writings and spirituality of St Francis de Sales.
St Therese of Lisieux OCD (1873-1897), The Story of a Soul.
Cistercian Publications, which comes out of the Liturgical Press in Collegeville, Minnesota, USA, have three series of titles: Cistercian Fathers (CF), which contains works by the early Cistercians such as St Bernard of Clairvaux and St Gertrude the Great; Cistercian Studies (CS), which contains translations of other writers such as the Desert Fathers, St Gregory the Great, Hildegard of Bingen, and so forth, as well as scholarly studies; and Monastic Wisdom (MW), which contains works exploring the spiritual life, and includes works on more recent figures such as Thomas Merton.
William of Saint-Thierry (c.1075/80-1148). A friend of St Bernard, William’s works include The Golden Epistle, The Nature and Dignity of Love, and The Mirror of Faith. The CF series also includes a single volume containing the three works, On Contemplating God, Prayer, and Meditations.
Guerric of Igny (1070/80-1157). Abbot of the monastery in Igny in France (founded in 1128, dissolved in the French Revolution, re-established some years later, destroyed in 1918, reopened about ten years later, and recently – 2008-12 – modernised, and is still thriving), Guerric’s main works are sermons for the liturgical year.
St Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153). A Doctor of the Church (the ‘Mellifluous Doctor’), St Bernard is considered the last of the Fathers of the Church. A prolific writer, his most famous works include his Sermons on the Song of Songs, his Sermons on the Liturgical Year, and his Sermons on Different Topics. His other works include The Steps of Humility and Pride, On Grace and Free Choice, Homilies in Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and On Loving God.
Isaac of Stella (c.1100 – c.1169). Born in England, he became abbot of the monastery in Stella near Poitiers in France, Isaac also published a series of liturgical sermons.
St Amadeus of Lausanne (c.1110-c.1150). Married, he entered the Cistercian order after his wife died. He later became bishop of Lausanne in Switzerland. His Homilies in Praise of the Blessed Mary are beautiful.
St Aelred of Rievaulx (1110/12-1167). Abbot of Rievaulx in Yorkshire, St Aelred’s works include, most famously, his Spiritual Friendship as well as numerous sermons for the liturgical year.
Baldwin of Forde (1125-1190). Abbot of Forde in Dorset before becoming Archbishop of Canterbury, Baldwin’s The Commendation of Faith looks at faith in the light of reason.
E. Rozanne Elder (editor), Mary Most Holy presents thoughts and brief meditations on the Blessed Virgin Mary from a selection of the early Cistercians gathered according to various episodes in the life of the Blessed Virgin.
Pope St Gregory the Great (540-604). Forty of his Gospel Homilies are published in a single volume as part of the CS series. With each sermon just nine or ten pages in length, and preceded by the Gospel passage to which it refers, they make for easy spiritual reading.
Bede the Venerable (c.673-735). The CS series publish two volumes of Bede’s sermons on the Gospels.
Guigo I (1083-1136). The 5th prior of the Grande Chartreuse, his meditations – mostly in pithy sentences or short paragraphs – are also published in the Cistercian Studies series.
Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179). A polymath (writer, composer, philosopher, mystic, visionary, and a medical writer and practitioner) Hildegard was also abbess of Bingen not far from modern-day Frankfurt. As abbess, she wrote sermons on a number of Gospel passages.
Guigo II (d. 1188 or 1193). The 9th prior of the Grande Chartreuse, his best known work is the Ladder of Monks, a consideration of reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation which, together, make up the rungs of the ladder which lifts the monk from earth to heaven.
Ludolph of Saxony (1295-1378). Ludolph’s Vita Christi, ‘The Life of Christ,’ is published in this series in four volumes, but is rather pricey. It is the most comprehensive series of meditations on the life of Christ from the 14th century, an age not short of such meditations.
The CS series also includes writings by a number of 20th and 21st century writers:
Pathway of Peace: Cistercian Wisdom According to St Bernard By Charles Dumont OCSO. Includes chapters with titles such as, ‘God and His Spiritual Creature Seeking One Another,’ ‘Christ, the Sacrament of Encounter. The Mediation of the Incarnate Word,’ and ‘Wisdom of the Heart on the Pathway of Peace.’
Turning Into Grace: The Quest for God by André Louf, retired abbot of the Cistercian monastery of Mont-des-Cats in France. Chapters on ‘Continuing on One’s Conversion,’ ‘Our Idols and God,’ ‘Growing by Being Tested,’ and ‘Growing in Grace through Prayer.’
The Hermitage Within. By an anonymous monk. Not everyone can, or should, live as a hermit, yet all Christians need to develop an interior hermitage, a place apart where we can encounter the living God, and listen to His still small voice.
Praying the Word by Enzo Bianchi. An introduction to Lectio Divina, the Benedictine form of meditating on the Scriptures.
No Moment Too Small by Norvene Vest, a book for those outside the cloister who wish to follow the basic elements of The Rule of St Benedict through regular prayer, meditation, and regular attention to work within the silence that enables us to listen.
The Spiritual Meadow. ‘I have plucked the finest flowers of the unmown meadow and worked them into a row which I now offer to you', wrote John Moschos as he began his tales of the holy men of seventh-century Palestine and Egypt. This translation offers readers contemporary insights into the spirituality of the desert.
Lectio Divina: The Medieval Experience of Reading by Duncan Robertson. During the Middle Ages the act of reading was experienced intensively in the monastic exercise of lectio divina--the prayerful scrutiny of passages of Scripture, savoured in meditation, memorized, recited, and rediscovered in the reader's own religious life. The rich literary tradition that arose from this culture includes theoretical writings from the Conferences of John Cassian (5th century) through the 12th century treatises of Hugh of St. Victor and the Carthusian Guigo II. It also includes compilations, literary meditations, and scriptural commentary, notably on the Song of Songs.
Inside the Psalms: Reflections for Novices by Maureen McCabe OCSO. Looks at nineteen individual psalms as well as a number of themes taken from groups of psalms.
In the School of Contemplation. By André Louf. Spiritual conferences delivered by the one-time abbot of Mons-des-Cats to members of his community.
Truly Seeking God. By Bernard Bonowitz, OCSO. Recounts the ways in which the monk actively seeks God in all the practices and places of the monastic life-in silence and liturgical prayer, work and leisure, solitude and community, spiritual direction and fraternal friendship, the encounter with nature and the encounter with the unsuspected recesses of his or her own heart.
The Way of Simplicity by Esther de Waal. An exploration of the Cistercian tradition and its relevance today, drawing on the writings of, amongst others, St Bernard of Clairvaux, St Aelred of Rievaulx, Thomas Merton, and many contemporary Cistercians.
The Life of Christ
The Life of Jesus Christ by Pere Didon, OP. London: Kegan Paul. 1928 (One vol. edition). 399pp. o/p.
The Life of Jesus Christ by Walter Elliott. New York: Catholic Book Exchange. 1903. o/p. Reprinted by several different independent presses. i/p.
Only Son by Walter Farrell OP. London: Sheed & Ward. 1955. 244pp. o/p.
The Life of Jesus Christ: A Historical, Critical, and Apologetic Exposition by Rev L.C. Fillion, SS. Translated by Newton Thompson. (3 vols). St Louis & London: B. Herder Book Co. 1948. (Vol 1: 647pp; vol 2: 719pp; vol 3: 784pp). o/p.
The Christ: The Son of God – A Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by The Abbé Constant Fouard. Translated from the French. London: Longmans, Green & Co. 1929. 250pp. o/p.
The Watches of the Sacred Passion with Before and After by Father P. Gallawey, SJ. (2 vols). Roehampton: Manresa Press. 1930. (Vol 1: 794pp; vol 2: 734pp.) o/p. Reprinted by Legare Street Press in 2022. i/p.
The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Archbishop Alban Goodier, SJ. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne Ltd. 1932. 425pp. o/p. Reprinted by Scepter Publishers in 2018. i/p.
The Public Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ (2 vols) by Archbishop Alban Goodier, SJ. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne Ltd. 1930. (Vol 1: 480pp; vol 2: 487pp.) o/p. Reprinted by Mediatrix Press in 2015. i/p.
Jesus Christ: His Person, His Message, His Credentials (3 vols) by Léonce de Grandmaisons, SJ. Translated by Basil Whelan. London: Sheed & Ward. 1930. (Vol 1: 322pp; vol 2: 384pp; vol 3: 522pp.) o/p.
The Lord by Romano Guardini. Translated from the German. London & New York: Longmans, Green, and Co. 1956. 535pp. o/p. Reprinted by Gateway Editions in 1996. i/p.
Our Divine Saviour by Bishop Hedley, OSB (1837-1915). London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne Ltd. No date. 346pp.
The Gospel Story (a harmonization of the four Gospels placing events in a chronological order) using the Ronald Knox translation of the Bible with commentary and explanations by Rev Ronald Cox. New York: Sheed & Ward. 1958. 437pp. o/p.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ by Pere M-J Lagrange. Translated from the French. (2 vols). London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne Ltd. 1938. (Vol 1: 320pp; vol 2: 350pp.) o/p.
The Life of Jesus Christ by Ludolph of Saxony (c.1295-1378). Translated by Milton T. Walsh. (4 vols). Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press. 2022. (Vol 1: 781pp; vol 2: 833pp; vol 3: 860pp; vol 4: 766pp). i/p.
The Life of Jesus Christ According to Gospel History by Rev A.J. Maas, SJ. St Louis: B. Herder Publisher. 1891. o/p. 621pp. Reprinted by Aeterna Press in 2020. i/p.
The Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ (2 vols) by Maurice Maschler. Translated by Mary Margaret, OSB. St Louis & London: Herder Book Co. 1950. (Vol 1: 545pp; vol 2: 560pp.) o/p. An independently published reprint is still i/p.
Life of Christ by Giovanni Papini. Translated from the Italian by Dorothy Fisher. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Co. 1923. 416pp. o/p.
Jesus Christ: His Life, His Teaching, and His Work by Ferdinand Prat, SJ. Translated by John H. Heenan, SJ. (2 vols) Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co. 1950. Reprinted in a single volume by the same publisher in 1963. o/p. Reprinted by Arouca Press in 2 vols in 2023. i/p.
Life of Christ by Giuseppe Ricciotti. Translated from the Italian by Alba I. Zizzamia. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co. 1952. 402pp. o/p. An independently published reprint is still i/p.
Life of Christ by Fulton J. Sheen. London: Peter Davies. 1958. 548pp. o/p. Reprinted by Doubleday in 2008. i/p.
The Four Gospels in One (a harmonization of the four Gospels placing events in a chronological order) by Canon Alfred Weber. Translated from the German edition of 1903. Te Deum Press. 2022. 476pp. i/p.
On Prayer
The Meaning of Prayer by Louis Colin CSSR. (1962) Translated from the French. Chapters include: An Interview with God, In the Presence of God, Lord, I am not worthy, Defective Prayer, The Mass-A Prayer, and many more.
On Prayer by John Pierre de Caussade SJ (1675-1751) Translated from the French. Presented in the form of a catechism or dialogue, the author looks at practical advice as well as the theology of prayer.
Spiritual Letters by Dom John Chapman OSB (1865-1933), one time Abbot of Downside, which includes the maxims, ‘Pray as you can, and do not try to pray as you can’t,’ and ‘The more you pray, the better it goes’ (which implies, of course, ‘the less you pray, the worse it goes’).
Prayer for All Times by Pierre Charles SJ (1929). Translated from the French. A series of beautiful, short meditations (about three pages each) on numerous quotations from Scripture.
Prayer in Practice by Romano Guardini. (1957) Translated from the German. Chapters include: Life and Practice of Prayer, The Need for Preparation, Collectedness in the Divine Presence, Forms of Repetitive Prayer, Character of Contemplative Prayer, Forms of Popular Devotion, and many more.
The Lord’s Prayer by Romani Guardini. (1957) Translated from the German. Chapters on each of the invocations of the Our Father.
The Prayer of the Presence of God by Dom Augustin Guillerand, a Carthusian Monk. Original published in French in 1956. Recent translations available. Chapters include: Recognize your dependence on God, Use forms of prayer that draw you towards God, Assist your prayer with various means, Persevere in prayer, Avoid lengthy prayers, Be sorry for your sins, and many others.
Prayer for Beginners by Peter Kreeft (2000). Chapters include: Why praying is more important than eating, Methods: why we need none, What should I say when I pray? Mental Obstacles to Prayer, and Forgiving Ourselves for Failure.
The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection (1614-1691). Several editions available but the 1994 edition by the Institute of Carmelite Studies (ICS) is recommended.
Methods of Mental Prayer by Giacomo Cardinal Lercaro (1891-1976), one time Archbishop of Bologna. The idea of ‘methods’ in prayer is not popular these days but many still find them helpful. The Cardinal looks at Ignatian meditation, Salesian meditation, the prayer of St Alphonsus, Sulpician prayer, the prayer of St John Baptiste de la Salle, and Carmelite prayer.
Progress Through Mental Prayer by Edward Leen CSSp (1935). Chapters include: The Aim of Mental Prayer, Spiritual Reading, and Silence: A Means to Recollection.
The Art of Prayer by Martial Lekeux OFM. (1959) Translated from the French. Chapters include, Why we do not know how to pray, What is Prayer? How to Meditate, The Divine Friend, and many more.
Sacramental Prayer by Conrad Pepler OP. (1958) Chapters include: Prayer and Penance, The Lenten Training Course, The Feast of Feasts, and The Sacrament of Prayer.
Finding God Through Meditation by St Peter of Alcantara (1499-1562) edited by Daniel Burke for Emmaus Road Publishing in 2015. Chapters include: The Way of Meditation, Counsels for Meditation, Common Temptations in Meditation and Their Remedies, and many others.
Prayer vol 1: Living with God by Simon Tugwell OP. (1974) Chapters include: Remembering God, The Way of Trust, Wrestling a Jabbok, Forgiveness, My God and My All, and many others.
Prayer vol 2: Prayer in Practice by Simon Tugwell OP (1974). Chapters include: God’s Gift of Prayer, Saying our Prayers, Feelings in Prayer, and many others.