C. S. Lewis famously remarked that we must first ‘make the younger generation good pagans’ before making them Christians. This is because grace builds on nature. And the film Gladiator resonates with men because Maximus — whose name suggests he is man at the maximum — compellingly embodies many of the natural virtues. Alongside relevant quotations from Aristotle and Aquinas, here are ten lessons to be learnt from him that men can use to become more masculine and fathers can teach their sons.
1. Maximus leads by example.
His men know that whatever they’re going through, he is as well.
This wins him a respect that can’t be bought with gold.
Only blood can buy it.
‘The honours and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action.’
- Aristotle
2. Maximus can restrain his power.
Being man at the maximum also means having the strength to control yourself.
‘The knight is a man of blood and iron,’ wrote C. S. Lewis.
Yet ‘he is also a gentle, modest, unobtrusive man.’
3. Maximus honours the transcendent.
Although our world is ‘shadows and dust,’ it points to a greater reality.
What we do ‘echoes in eternity’.
‘The greatest external good we should assume to be the thing which we offer as a tribute to the gods.’
- Aristotle
4. Maximus knows that fatherhood is the true meaning of manhood.
He excels amongst men and does his duty.
But his deepest desire is to be at home on his farm with his wife and son.
‘Household management attends more to men than to the acquisition of inanimate things.’
- Aristotle
5. Commodus ‘hates all the world’ but hates Maximus ‘most of all.’
If you’re great, you will get hate.
‘Men are envious of those goods in which a good name consists, and about which men like to be honored and esteemed, as the Philosopher [Aristotle] remarks.’
- Aquinas
But being truly great means not hating your haters.
6. Although Maximus lost everything, he didn’t lose his virtue.
They killed his family, but they couldn’t kill his spirit.
Even as slave, he showed his character and commanded respect.
‘Greatness of spirit is to bear finely both good fortune and bad, honor and disgrace.’
- Aristotle
7. Maximus commands because of his competence.
Because he excels at everything he does, men want to follow him.
Whether he’s a general or a gladiator, they know he’ll lead them well.
‘Just and brave men are most beloved, because they are most useful in war and peace.’
- Aristotle
8. Maximus wins admiration through ability.
There is no substitute for proving yourself: true admiration cannot come from flattery or gifts.
‘Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.’
- Aristotle
9. Maximus won’t kill Commodus in front of his son.
The righteous man does the right thing then lets the chips fall where they may.
And this leads to the best outcome for him in the end.
‘It is by doing just acts that the just man is produced.’
- Aristotle
10. Self-sacrifice to ideals trumps vengeance.
Maximus doesn’t allow his desire for revenge to make him do anything dishonourable.
‘I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over self.’
- Aristotle
TLDR: 10 lessons on masculinity from Gladiator
Lead by example
Restrained power
Respect religion
Manhood means fatherhood
Don’t hate your haters
True dignity shines even in dirt
Command through competence
Ability wins admiration
Do the right thing come what may
Conquer yourself
This is great, thank you.
Thank you for this.